Mittwoch, 2. April 2008

Work on a Backup noc

..since a year i'm running a backup noc on the other side of the town to
keep the network more redundant.Yesterday i had to do some updates there.. here some pic's of the hardware i use .

It is a '19' rack, i use these because they are cheap and i dont have to ad extra fan's like in a closed box.

More details ....
The silver '19'box at the top is a loadbalancer wich is based on via-epia board with 1Ghz and 1Gig Ram. The os
is pfsense on a Cf-card no moving parts
and it have 2 4port eth cards in it .
At the moment i have there 3 Adsl lines
with 6Mbit down and 512kbit up 1 34Mbit
symmetric line (fiber) plus 2 5ghz links
dow from my main noc. The smal silver boxes between the switches are Wrapboards running Mikrotikos they akt as
local routers one is connected to 3 Aps on the rooftop of the building serving local customers near by and one is connected over an EoIP tunnel to an other pop 2 Km away there ara also 3 AP's serving customers .Note the wraps will be replaced soon because they tending to be max out sometimes but since they are x86 based i can reuse them for many other stuf so they are not lost :-).

i hate this many smal AC adapters and i'm already working on redundant single 10A switching powersupply to replace all them.
The black box on the wall is the endpointrouter of the provider from the 34Mbit fiber its connected with a fiberconverter in the basement of the building . The red box on the wall ist a modemrouter of 1 from the 3 adsl lines.

The 2 slim size pc's are from Fujitsu siemens its the 600 series. they are not sold
enymore but you can find them for less than 100 euro in top condition on ebay.
I like them very much because they are very low power consuming an produce allmost no heat .They only have a 2,4ghz celeron in it but enogh to do many things in a network. The one on top of the rack act as my 2nd radius (freeradius/ubnutuserveredition) in my network the one below has 2 extra eth-cards
and act as router wich binds the lan-segment of the loadbalancer to the backbone ring it is debian based and rocksolid an i never had any problems with it .

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