Sonntag, 20. April 2008

Nice Talk

On saturday i meet a manager of the housingcompany from the place i mentioned some posts before .On this place i plan to install a new repeater station for my backbone. So i met this manager to do all the contract and premision stuff. After we finished we talked a little bit about what i'm doing an what a wisp is, more in general
wice because he had no idea of this business. After a while said he heard about a guy who is planing a internetservice for low income poeple wifibased. I told him thats me
and explaind him that this is a siede projekt of my normal wisp and what im planig to do in the next month's . He was very impressed and askt me why i'm doing this and was wondering how that can coexist with my fixed wireless isp where the money come from. So i explained a bit more ..where i'm comming from and how i integrate the service and the goals of this projekt and also that since there is no funding ore something i plan to pay it b my self in a step for step plan. His eyes become bigger and bigger as i was talking and was very impressed about this plan.
Well we talked a bit more on this and was ending up with the statement that if i need any help on this i should let him now and i can count on him .
As a siedenote i should say that this man is the manager of the company who holds 90% of the buildings in the lowincome area in this town so its not all alturistic if he is helping to get cheap broadband in this area.
Anyhow for me it was a very nice and productiv talk i can say.

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