Mittwoch, 2. April 2008

some more

on tuesday evening i was talking to some poeple from a low income area and representives from the housingcompany who is the owener of the buildings there
about the projekt i mentioned in the post before.
I showed them a little slidshow what i plan and how it will work. The representives from the buildingcompany told me that the will give me access to rooftops and hallways of the buildings for free . On wendnesday i had allready a letter of conformation about that from them in my postbox hm.. looks like they are very interessted in this. My planing is to deploy a testnetwork there as soon as open-mesh
have integratetd wifi-cpa that i can manage with my own radius, and hopefully open-mesh opens up the dashboard foss that i can run it on a local server ...more on this later.

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