Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009


since i moved all my fixed clients to the 5ghz band i have some 2,4ghz gear left and still installed on my pops. My idea is to reuse this stuff so i can have on each pop an extra Hotspot where my customers can login if they are somewhere in the city + Instand Access users can go online with paypal ore prepayed cards . So i spend a few hours to implement the payment api from paypal and a google-map where users can find shops an kiosks wich sell this cards ..all this is integrated in the captive portalpage ..but still needs a little more work.

Dienstag, 9. Juni 2009


to make my hotspot loginpage a little more nifty
i was looking more than 2h for a smal logo...mann
i endet up wtith this