Montag, 31. März 2008

Full Day will be a stressy day as often in the last time.
3 tings will be on the plan for today 1st replace 2 routers on in my 5Ghz Backbone because they tending to have not enymore enough horsepower to handle the load of the growing amont of customers. They are 2 pcengines Wrap2c with Mikrotik on it and i will replace them with the newer Alix boards from pcengines they have 533Mhz cpu speed and 256MB Ram wich is the double of the old wraps. Pure workingtime will be minimum 4h because one of them is on 10m high mast.

2nd setting up a new voip-pbx (Asterisk) in a multi-office building ..mostly used by art and graphic desingners . I'v alreday installed on the new box an teste'd everything on the bench so hopefully i get this done in 5h .

3rd meet a few residents of a low income area here in this town and talk to them
about the service i'm planing for them. Here some bacround on this.

Here in this town we have many low income housholds wich have not enough money
to afford a standart dsl-line. Most of them live in a large multidwelling area with buildings up to 14 floors high. My plan is to provide them a basic but reliable internet service they can afford. It will be only 400 down and 128 up but for that
they only have to pay about 25% of the cost of a standard dsl maybe lower.
In summer 2006 i was talking to the city administration about my idea and a very
little funding from them to give this project start. All they said was like ''we dont beliefe that you can do it with wirelss'' and '' we dont trust such smal company's like
you''. After this hit in the neck i lost a little bit my enthusiasm about this but it was still in the back of my mind.
Things have changed over the last 2 years, my wisp have now a good amount of customers and i'm on the point where all the time and money i spend bring back
a decent return. One of the biggest plus i have compared to 2006 is that i already have many backbonelinks near this area i mentioned above. I'm planig to use a very lowcost mesh-solution to hold the price per customer as low as posible . The new open-mesh system looks very good for this .
Readers may ask why a comercial like me is doing this? The answer is simple: i'm born in such a low income area and i grown up there. I had much luck in my live and was abled to find a good job after my education and collect a lot of expirence in more than 18years of employed working wich opend me the way to form my company 2005 but i never forget where i come from.

Here we go now...

um.. where to start .
I just started this blogg to show some of my work and interesst's so you will
se here much of ''wisp'' related stuff bcause thats what i am, a smal wisp who
is located in germany.
I mainly will post in english because there are not much wisp's located in germany
hence you can have in most locations here very fast dsl from big telco's.
So there will be may more interst from poeple in other country's where wirelles isp's
are more comon.